Early Days EP21 – Building Community and Business: Drew Schamehorn of Elite Promotional Marketing

From humble beginnings in the trophy business to leading a thriving promotional company, Elite Promotional Marketing, Drew Schamehorn shares his journey of growth, innovation, and community building. Discover insights on expanding a family business, the impact of sports on business, and the future of Elite Promotional Marketing, including their new ventures in the U.S.

Welcome to “Early Days,” presented by Prowse Chowne, your guide to entrepreneurship, business beginnings and beyond. The “Early Days” podcast provides insights and tips for business owners and entrepreneurs as it relates to their early days. This includes the actual start of their business, the successes and challenges. “Early Days” also explores the highlighted businesses in terms of new offerings, services, team growth, expansion to new locations, and more.

This series is proudly produced by the team at Road 55. Located in Edmonton, Alberta. Road 55 creates content that connects! For more information, please visit: www.road55.ca